List of 6 Names with "Cassia" in Meaning Starting with (K) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of cassia. We found in our database 6 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Cassia' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Kezia
    The name Kezia is a Hebrew baby name. In Hebrew the meaning of the name Kezia is: Cassia; sweet-scented spice.' Keziah was one of Job's three fair daughters in the bible. This name was popular with Puritans in the 12th century.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: Hebrew
  • Kizzie - KIZ-ee
    The different meanings of the name Kizzie are: Hebrew meaning: Cinnamon-like bark. American meaning: Pet form of Keziah.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: Hebrew
  • Kassia
    Greek Meaning: The name Kassia is a Greek baby name. In Greek the meaning of the name Kassia is: Pure; Spicy cinnamon.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: English
  • Kassy
    Meanings of the name "Kassy" English: Spice tree. Greek: Thorny tree; shining upon man; pure.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: English
  • Keysha
    Meaning of name Keysha. Etymology : Variant of KEISHA. Saint : Origin : English (African American.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: English
  • Kizzy
    Kizzy was a character in Alex Haley's Roots; this and other Keziah variations were widely used for slaves. In Roots the name is explained by the hero Kunta as 'you sit down' or 'you stay put' in the Mandinka language meaning that 'this child would never get sold away'.
    Meaning: Cassia Origin: English