List of 8 Names with "Chosen" in Meaning Starting with (Mu) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of chosen. We found in our database 8 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Chosen' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Mufadhal
    Meaning of name Mufaddal. Etymology : Means "preferred" in Arabic. Saint : Origin : Arabic.
    Meaning: Superior, Chosen Origin: Arabic
  • Mufazzal
    The meaning of the name “Mufazzal” is: “Chosen; preferred”. Categories: Arabic Names, Muslim Names.
    Meaning: Preferred, Chosen, favoured Origin: Arabic
  • Muizzuddin
    Meaning of Muizzuddin. Muizzuddin is an Arabic name for boys that means “one who brings honor and glory to the faith”, a person who brings greatness to the Muslims.
    Meaning: Chosen, selected, elected Origin: Arabic
  • Mukhtaar
    Muslim Meaning: The name Mukhtaar is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Mukhtaar is: Chosen.
    Meaning: Chosen Origin: Arabic
  • Mukhtar
    Mukhtar (also spelled Muktar, /ˈmʊktɑːr/) meaning "chosen" in Arabic: المختار‎‎, is the head of a village or mahalle (neighbourhood) in many Arab countries as well as in Turkey and Cyprus. The name is given because mukhtars are usually selected by some consensual or participatory method, often involving an election.
    Meaning: Free, Chosen Origin: Arabic
  • Mukhthar
    Mukhtar (also spelled Muktar, /ˈmʊktɑːr/) meaning "chosen" in Arabic: المختار‎‎, is the head of a village or mahalle (neighbourhood) in many Arab countries as well as in Turkey and Cyprus. The name is given because mukhtars are usually selected by some consensual or participatory method, often involving an election.
    Meaning: Chosen Origin: Arabic
  • Mustafa - moos-TAH-fah
    Mustafa is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, Arabic: مصطفى‎‎, Muṣṭafā. The name is an epithet of Muhammad that means, The Chosen One. It is a very common male given name throughout the Muslim world. This name is mostly used in Turkey after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.
    Meaning: Chosen Origin: Arabic
  • Mustafaa
    Mustafa is the primary transliteration of the Arabic given name, Arabic: مصطفى‎‎, Muṣṭafā. The name is an epithet of Muhammad that means, The Chosen One. It is a very common male given name throughout the Muslim world. This name is mostly used in Turkey after Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, founder of the Republic of Turkey.
    Meaning: CHOSEN, SELECTED Origin: Arabic