List of 7 Names with "From the holly garden" in Meaning Starting with (L) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of from the holly garden. We found in our database 7 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'From the holly garden' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Leesly
    Meaning & History. From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Leslie - LEZ-lee/LES-lee
    From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Lesliee
    From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Leslly
    From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Lessley
    From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century. In America it was more common as a feminine name after the 1940s.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Lesslie
    From a Scottish surname which was derived from a Scottish place name, probably derived from Gaelic leas celyn meaning "garden of holly". It has been used as a given name since the 19th century.
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic
  • Lessly
    Meaning: From the holly garden, of the gray fortress Origin: Gaelic