List of 6 Names with "Ganga" in Meaning Starting with (B) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of ganga. We found in our database 6 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Ganga' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Bhageerath
    Indian Meaning: The name Bhagiratha is an Indian baby name. In Indian the meaning of the name Bhagiratha is: Goddess.
    Meaning: The one who brought Ganga to earth, With glorious chariot Origin: hindi
  • Bhagirat
    The meaning of the name “Bhagirath” is: “Owns a glorious chariot”. Categories: Hindi Names, Hindu Names, Indian Names, Sanskrit Names.
    Meaning: The one who brought Ganga to earth, With glorious chariot Origin: hindi
  • Bhagirath
    The meaning of the name “Bhagirath” is: “Owns a glorious chariot”. Categories: Hindi Names, Hindu Names, Indian Names, Sanskrit Names.
    Meaning: The one who brought Ganga to earth, With glorious chariot Origin: hindi
  • Bhishma
    Indian Meaning: The name Bhishma is an Indian baby name. In Indian the meaning of the name Bhishma is: Terrible.
    Meaning: One who has taken a terrible vow, Son of Santanu by Ganga in Mahabharat Origin: hindi
  • Bhisma
    Indian Meaning: The name Bhishma is an Indian baby name. In Indian the meaning of the name Bhishma is: Terrible.
    Meaning: One who has taken a terrible vow, Son of Santanu by Ganga in Mahabharat (Son of Shantanu and Ganga, known as the "grandfather" of the Kurus. Although he never became king, he officiated at Hastinapur as regent until Vichitravirya was of age.) Origin: hindi
  • Bhageerathi
    Name Bhagirathi generally means The river Ganga, is of Sanskrit, Indian origin, Name Bhagirathi is a Feminine (or Girl) name. Person with name Bhagirathi are mainly Hindu by religion.
    Meaning: The river Ganga Origin: hindi