List of 5 Names with "Having a peaceful disposition" in Meaning

A collection of baby names with meaning of having a peaceful disposition. We found in our database 5 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Having a peaceful disposition' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Sereena
    What does Sereena mean? Sereena [sereena] as a name for girls is of Latin derivation, and Sereena means "serene, calm". Sereena is a version of Serena (Latin): used by Roman Christians. ASSOCIATED WITH calm (peace)
  • Serenna
    Serenna. LANGUAGE FAMILY: indo-european > italic > latin ORIGIN: latin NAME ROOT: SĕRēNUS. MEANING: This name derives from the Latin “sĕrēnus”, the title given to the Emperor, especially superlative, meaning “the sky, clear, cloudless, (figuratively) peaceful, tranquil, calm, quiet, sunny.
  • Serennity
    It is of English and French origin, and its meaning is "serene, calm". A virtue name. Famous real-life people named Serenity: | Edit Share what you know! Serenity in song, story & screen: | Edit. Serenity is the ship in Joss Whedon's space western, Firefly.
  • Serrena
    Serēna is a feminine given name. It is derived from the Latin word serēnus, meaning "clear, tranquil, serene". This name was borne by an obscure early saint, Saint Serena of Rome.
  • Serrenity
    It is of English and French origin, and its meaning is "serene, calm". A virtue name. Famous real-life people named Serenity: | Edit Share what you know!