List of 2 Names with "Incarnation" in Meaning Starting with (P) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of incarnation. We found in our database 2 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Incarnation' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Parashuram
    Parashurama (Sanskrit: परशुराम, IAST: Paraśurāma, lit. Rama with an axe) is the sixth avatar of Vishnu in Hinduism. ... He is also referred to as Rama Jamadagnya and Rama Bhargava in some Hindu texts.
    Meaning: Sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu Origin: hindi
  • Parasuram
    Parasuram - Detailed Meaning. Your name of Parasuram has created an expressive nature, idealistic and inspirational, and driven by an urge to be of service to humanity as a whole. Your empathy for others could incline you towards a service in some capacity such as the medical field, social work, teaching, or nursing.
    Meaning: Sixth incarnation of Lord Vishnu Origin: hindi