List of 4 Names with "Lady of the house" in Meaning Starting with (M) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of lady of the house. We found in our database 4 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Lady of the house' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Marfa - MAHR-fə
    Meaning of name Marfa. Etymology : Russian form of MARTHA. Saint : Origin : Russian.
    Meaning: Lady of the house Origin: Aramaic
  • Marte - MAHR-te
    Marte Name Meaning. Portuguese and Galician: variant of Marta. Italian: probably from medieval Greek Martios 'March' or the Calabrian dialect word marti 'Tuesday', in either case probably denoting someone with some particular association with the month or the day. English: variant spelling of Mart 1.
  • Martta - MAHR-ta
    Meaning. Akkadian: "the daughter"; Hebrew: "the lady"; Roman: "dedicated to Mars" Marta is a female given name derived from the Aramaic (Judæo-Aramaic) name מַרְתָּא Martâ, which translates as "the lady" in English. It had the male form "Martinus" in Roman culture. It has been described as a cognate of Martha.
  • Martuska - MARH-tush-ka
    The name Martuska is a girl's name of Hungarian origin. Martuska. Hungarian variation of Martha. Hungarian variation of Martina. Find other names based on Martuska using our baby name generator.