List of 3 Names with "Long life" in Meaning Starting with (O) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of long life. We found in our database 3 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Long life' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Omar - OH-mahr
    In Hebrew the meaning of the name Omar is: Eloquent. Speaker. The grandson of Esau in the Old Testament. Famous Bearers: 12th century Persian poet and astronomer and mathematician Omar Khayyam; Caliph Omar II, who made Islam an imperial power; actor Omar Sharif.
    Meaning: Long-Lived, Long life, first son, most high, the prophet's follower Origin: Arabic
  • Omarr
    African Meaning: The name Omarr is an African baby name. In African the meaning of the name Omarr is: God the highest.
    Meaning: Long life, first son, most high, the prophet's follower Origin: Hebrew
  • Ommar
    Meaning. first born son, flourishing, long-lived, eloquent and gifted speaker. Omar, Omer, Ömer, or Umar (Arabic: عمر‎‎), is a male given name of Arabic origin. It is a common name in Arab and Muslim populations in general, as well as in Spanish-speaking countries.
    Meaning: Long life, first son, most high, the prophet's follower Origin: Hebrew