List of 11 Names with "Resolute protector" in Meaning

A collection of baby names with meaning of resolute protector. We found in our database 11 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Resolute protector' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Willma
  • Fitzwilliam
    The name Fitzwilliam is an Irish baby name. In Irish the meaning of the name Fitzwilliam is: Soldier's son.
    Meaning: Will, determination, Protection, Resolute protector
  • Twilliam
    The name William is a German baby name. In German the meaning of the name William is: Resolute protector; will. For a long time after the Norman conquest in A.D. 1066 many English boys were given some form of William the Conquer's name. ... The firstborn son of Prince Charles is named William.
  • Viljami
  • Viljo
    Finnish Meaning: The name Viljo is a Finnish baby name. In Finnish the meaning of the name Viljo is: Resolute protector.
  • Vilko
  • Ville
    Ville is a Finnish and Swedish male given name. Its nameday is celebrated on the 6th of April. In Finland, it reached its peak of popularity in the last two decades of the 20th century.
  • Wilhelm - WIL-hehlm, VIL-hehlm
    Origin of the name William: From the Old Norman French Willaume, which is derived from the Old High German Willehelm, a compound name composed from the elements willeo (will, determination) and helm (protection, helmet): hence, "resolute protector." William is the most popular name introduced to England by the Normans.
  • Valma
    Finnish Meaning: The name Valma is a Finnish baby name. In Finnish the meaning of the name Valma is: or Wilhemina.
    Meaning: A feminine form of William, Resolute protector
  • Vilhelmiina
    Wilhelmina (also: Wilhelmine and Wilhemina) is a feminine given name, the Dutch and German form of Wilhelm or William, which is derived from the Germanic wil, meaning "will, desire" and helm, meaning "helmet, protection".
  • Vilhelmina
    Swedish Meaning: The name Vilhelmina is a Swedish baby name. In Swedish the meaning of the name Vilhelmina is: Determined protector.