List of 4 Names with "Song" in Meaning Starting with (T) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of song. We found in our database 4 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Song' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Tirana
    The meaning of the name “Tirana” is: “Capital city of Albania”. Categories: African American Names, Albanian Names, Places Names. Used in: English speaking countries.
    Meaning: Song, anthem Origin: Arabic
  • Trana
    Trana Name Meaning Swedish: unexplained.
    Meaning: Melody, Song Origin: Arabic
  • Tarana
    Tarana or Taranah (Urdu: ترانہ‎‎, Hindi: तराना) is a type of composition in Hindustani classical vocal music in which certain words and syllables (e.g. "odani", "todani", "tadeem" and "yalali") based on Persian and Arabic phonemes are rendered at a medium (madhya) or fast (drut) pace (laya).
    Meaning: A musical composition, Melody, Song Origin: hindi
  • Taraneh
    Persian Meaning: The name Taraneh is a Persian baby name. In Persian the meaning of the name Taraneh is: Song.
    Meaning: Song Origin: Persian