List of 5 Names with "Strife" in Meaning Starting with (L) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of strife. We found in our database 5 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Strife' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Lochlyn
    Origin of the name lachlan: Derived from the Gaelic laochail (war-like), which is from the root laoch (war, strife). Alternatively, it may be from the Irish Lochlainn (Lakeland, Fiordland), a name that originated from the name the Irish used for the native home of the Norse invaders. Var: Lachann, Lachlann.
    Meaning: War, Strife
  • Loïck
    Origin of the name Calvin: From the French surname Cauvin, a derivative of the Latin calvinus (little bald one), which has its root in calvus (bald). The name was originally bestowed in honor of French Protestant reformer John Calvin (1509-64).
    Meaning: Famous in war, Famous, War, Strife
  • Ludvig
    Ludvig is a Scandinavian given name, the equivalent of English Lewis or Louis, and may refer to: In politics: Anton Ludvig Alvestad, Norwegian politician for the Labour Party.
    Meaning: Famous in war, Famous, War, Strife
  • Lueis
    The name Louis is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Louis is: Famous warrior, from the Old German 'Chlodovech'. Eighteen kings of France have borne this name, and Louis was used by the French royal family for hundreds of years. Famous Bearer: Jazz musician Louis Armstrong.
    Meaning: Famous in war, Famous, War, Strife
  • Luiz
    Luis (and its variant forms) is the Spanish, Portuguese (Luís), Galician, Aragonese form of the Germanic given name Hludowig and Chlodovech (modern German Ludwig). The Germanic name is composed of the words for "fame" (hlūd) and "warrior" (wīg) which may be translated to famous warrior or "famous in battle".
    Meaning: Famous in war, Famous, War, Strife