List of 2 Names with "Swift" in Meaning Starting with (K) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of swift. We found in our database 2 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Swift' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Kohana
    Native American Meaning: The name Kohana is a Native American baby name. In Native American the meaning of the name Kohana is: Swift.
    Meaning: Swift sioux Origin: hindi
  • Kansan
    Kansas. ... Kansas is named after the Kansa Native American tribe, which inhabited the area. The tribe's name (natively kką:ze) is often said to mean "people of the (south) wind" although this was probably not the term's original meaning.
    Meaning: Swift Origin: Hindi