List of 5 Names with "Torch of light" in Meaning Starting with (I) ×

A collection of baby names with meaning of torch of light. We found in our database 5 names have the similar meanings. If you want to hold this word 'Torch of light' for your lovely kid, please proceed to collection and choose any of the alternative in the list given below:

  • Ileana - ill-lee-AH-na
    Origin of the name Ileana: Variant of Elena, a Spanish form of Helen, which is a cognate of the Greek Helenē, a name derived from ēlē (light).
    Meaning: Torch of light Origin: Greek
  • Ilene - ie-LEEN
    The different meanings of the name Ilene are: Celtic - Gaelic meaning: Form of Helen; Evelyn; Aveline; pleasant. English meaning: Form of Helen; Evelyn; Aveline; pleasant.
    Meaning: Torch of light Origin: Greek
  • Ili - IL-i
    The name Ili is a Female name. African meaning: The name Ili is a African baby name The African meaning of Ili is: Blessed.
    Meaning: Torch of light Origin: Greek, Hungarian
  • Ilka - IL-ka
    The name Ilka is a Hungarian baby name. In Hungarian the meaning of the name Ilka is: Light.
    Meaning: Torch of light Origin: Greek, Hungarian
  • Ilona - ee-LO-nah
    Ilona is a Hungarian female given name, the traditional name of the Queen of the Fairies in Magyar folklore. Its etymology is uncertain. A common myth is that Ilona is cognate with the Greek given name Helen.
    Meaning: Torch of light Origin: Greek