List of English, Germanic Baby Names Meanings Starting with (D) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 4 unique names in our collection from English, germanic origin.
Get modern, unique names list for English, germanic below:

  • Dick - DIK
    Dick is a nickname for Richard. When it's not a name, dick is slang for a penis or an unkind person. There are a lot of jokes about this. From Behind the Name: Means “brave power”, derived from the Germanic elements ric “power, rule” and hard “brave, hardy”.
    Meaning: Daring power Origin: English, Germanic
  • Dodd - DAHD
    The surname Dodd is a Welsh name of old Celtic origin. ... The name Dodd may also be a nickname surname derived from the Germanic root "dudd" or "dodd," which means something rounded; thus, it would have been used to denote a round, lumpish person, or a stupid person.
    Meaning: A short and well rounded person Origin: English, Germanic
  • Dodge - DAHJ
    Dodge Name Meaning. from the Middle English personal name Dogge, a pet form of Roger. possibly a nickname from Middle English dogge 'dog' (Old English docga, dogga).
    Meaning: A famed spear Origin: English, Germanic
  • Dodson - DAHD-sən
    Dodson is an ancient Anglo-Saxon surname that came from Dodd or Dodda. They were Old English personal names common in England from Lincolnshire on south. The name Dodson denotes "son of Dodd or Dodda."
    Meaning: Dodd's son Origin: English, Germanic