List of English, Germanic Baby Names Meanings Starting with (E) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 5 unique names in our collection from English, germanic origin.
Get modern, unique names list for English, germanic below:

  • Edmonda - ed-MOHN-dah
    The name Edmonda is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Edmonda is: Rich benefactress.
    Meaning: Rich guardian Origin: English, Germanic
  • Edmonia - ed-MOH-nee-ah
    The different meanings of the name Edmonia are: English meaning: Prosperous protection. French meaning: Prosperous protection.
    Meaning: Rich guardian Origin: English, Germanic
  • Elrick - EHL-rik
    Elrick (Scottish Gaelic: An Eilreig) is a small village on the A944 road 7 1⁄2 miles (12.1 km) west of the city of Aberdeen, Scotland. The name derives from a Gaelic word meaning a place where deer were driven for hunting.
    Meaning: Wise king Origin: English, Germanic
  • Ervins - EHR-vinz
    Scottish Meaning: The name Ervin is a Scottish baby name. In Scottish the meaning of the name Ervin is: Beautiful.
    Meaning: Noble or boar friend Origin: English, Germanic
  • Ethelbert - EH-thehl-behrt
    Æthelberht, Aethelbert or Ethelbert, is an Anglo-Saxon male name, from the Old English eþel meaning "noble" and berht meaning "bright".
    Meaning: Noble and bright Origin: English, Germanic