List of French Baby Names Meanings Starting with (E) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 40 unique names in our collection from French origin.
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  • Esdras
    Esdras (Greek: Ἔσδρας) is a Greco-Latin variation of the name of Hebrew Ezra the Scribe (Hebrew: עזרא‬). The name is found in the titles of several books attributed to or associated with the scribe that are in or related to the Hebrew and Christian Bibles.
    Meaning: Help. Origin: French
  • Esmai
    Save to list. Girl. French. From the Old French esme, meaning "loved" or "esteemed". Esmeralda is one of the main characters in the 1831 novel "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", by Victor Hugo.
    Meaning: Loved Origin: French
  • Esme - EHZ-may
    Origin of the name Esme: Derived from the French esmé (loved), the past participle of the verb esmer (to love). Alternatively, some believe the name to be a variant of Aimé (beloved). From A World of Baby Names by Teresa Norman.
    Meaning: Beloved one Origin: French
  • Esmée
    The name Esmee is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Esmee is: An Old FrenchLatin 'aestimatus' meaning esteemed, or 'amatus' meaning loved.
    Meaning: Loved Origin: French
  • Esmeraude
    Origin of the name Esmeralda: A borrowing of the Spanish name Esmeralda, which is taken from the word meaning "emerald."
    Meaning: Emerald Origin: French
  • Esprit - ES-prit
    C16: from French, from Latin spīritus a breathing, spirit1. Word Origin and History for esprit. n. 1590s, from Middle French esprit "spirit, mind," from Old French espirit, from Latin spiritus "spirit" (see spirit).
    Meaning: Spirit Origin: French
  • Etienette
    The name Etienette is a girl's name of French origin. Etienette. French variation of Stephanie. Find other names based on Etienette using our baby name generator.
    Meaning: A garland or crown Origin: French
  • Etoile
    The meaning of the name “Etoile” is: “Star”. Categories: Celestial Names, English Names, French Names, Heavenly Names, Nature Names.
    Meaning: Star Origin: French
  • Evonna
    French Meaning: The name Evonna is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Evonna is: Archer.from Yves.
    Meaning: Derived from yvonne from yves archer Origin: French
  • Evony
    French Meaning: The name Evony is a French baby name. In French the meaning of the name Evony is: Archer.from Yves.
    Meaning: Derived from yvonne from yves archer Origin: French