List of Italian, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 6 unique names in our collection from Italian, latin origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Italian, latin below:

  • Benedetto - beh-neh-DEH-to
    Italian Meaning: The name Benedetto is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Benedetto is: Blessed.Benedict.
    Meaning: The blessed one Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Benito - be-NEE-to
    The name Benito is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Benito is: blessed. From benedictus meaning blessed. Famous bearers: 6th-century Italian saint Benedict of Nursia founded the Benedictine order of monks and nuns. The Benedictines monastical order.
  • Biaggio - BYAH-jo
    Biaggio [bi-ag-gio] as a boys' name is of Latin derivation, and the meaning of Biaggio is "stutterer". Biaggio is a variant form of Biagio (Italian, Latin): related to Blaise. Biaggio is also a variation of Blaze (Latin).
    Meaning: Stammering, Stuttering Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Bibiana - bee-BYAH-nah
    The name Bibiana is a Spanish baby name. In Spanish the meaning of the name Bibiana is: Lively.
    Meaning: Full of life Origin: Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Bice - BEE-che
    Bice Name Meaning. Americanized spelling of German Beiss(e), a variant of Beitz 2. English: perhaps a variant of Biss. Compare Beese, Bise, Buys, Byce. Hungarian: nickname for someone with a limp or a peculiar gait, from bice 'limp'.
    Meaning: Voyager Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Bonavento - boh-nah-VEHN-to
    Benevento Name Meaning. habitational or regional name from the city or province of Benevento in southwestern Italy. from the personal name Benevento, an omen name meaning 'welcome'.
    Meaning: Good fortune Origin: Italian, Latin