List of Italian, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (N) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Italian, latin origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Italian, latin below:

  • Nazario - nah-SAH-ryo
    Italian and Spanish form of the Late Latin name Nazarius, which meant "from Nazareth". Nazareth was the town in Galilee where Jesus lived.
    Meaning: From Nazareth Origin: Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Nero - NE-ro
    An ancient Sabine name that meant "strong and energetic", and an Italian word meaning "black". Nero is also the Finnish word for "genius." Pronounced: NIR-oh, NEER-oh. Famous real-life people named Nero: | Edit. Nero, emperor of ancient Rome, known for his cruelty and depravity.
    Meaning: The strong one Origin: Italian, Latin