List of Italian, Latin Baby Names Meanings Starting with (C) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 8 unique names in our collection from Italian, latin origin.
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  • Cecilia - sə-SEE-lee-ə/sə-SEEL-yə
    Meaning & History. Latinate feminine form of the Roman family name Caecilius, which was derived from Latin caecus "blind". Saint Cecilia was a semi-legendary 2nd- or 3rd-century martyr who was sentenced to die because she refused to worship the Roman gods.
    Meaning: Blinded Origin: English, Finnish, Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Celso - SEL-so
    Celso [cel-so] as a boys' name is of Italian and Latin origin, and the meaning of Celso is "high, lofty". As in "Gloria in Excelsis Deo". Also a part of words for sky, like "ciel" (French) and "coelum" (Latin).
    Meaning: Exalted one Origin: Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Cesare - che-SAH-re
    Italian Meaning: The name Cesare is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Cesare is: Long haired.
    Meaning: Head full of hair Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Clarissa - klə-RIS-ə
    Clarissa is a name derived from the Germanic name Clarice, which is derived from the Latin word clarus, which means "bright, clear or famous". Clarissa is an English, Italian, and Portuguese name; Clarisa is the Spanish form of the name.
  • Colombo - ko-LOHM-bo
    Italian: from the personal name Colombo, from Latin Colombus, Colomba meaning 'dove', a personal name favored by early Christians because the dove was considered to be the symbol of the Holy Spirit.
    Meaning: A dove Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Cornelia - kər-NEE-lee-ə/kər-NEEL-yə
    The name Cornelia is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Cornelia is: The feminine form of Cornelius. Famous bearer: 2nd century BC mother of the two Roman tribunes/reformers known as the Gracchi.
    Meaning: Horn Origin: Dutch, English, Italian, Latin
  • Cornelio - kohr-NEH-lyo
    Latin Meaning: The name Cornelio is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Cornelio is: Horn.
    Meaning: Horn Origin: Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Cristiano - kree-STYAH-no
    Cristiano is the Italian and Portuguese form of Christian, from the Latin “Christianus” meaning “follower of Christ”. The Latin language borrowed the word from the Greek “Khristos” (meaning “anointed”).