List of Latin, Polish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (B) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 2 unique names in our collection from Latin, polish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Latin, polish below:

  • Beatrycze - be-ah-TRI-che
    Beatrice (/ˈbiː(ə)trɪs/; Italian: [beaˈtriːtʃe]) is a name derived from the French name Béatrice, which came from the Latin Beatrix, which means "she who makes happy".
    Meaning: Voyager Origin: Latin, Polish
  • Blazej - BWAH-zhay
    Czech Meaning: The name Blazej is a Czech baby name. In Czech the meaning of the name Blazej is: One who stutters.
    Meaning: Stammering, Stuttering Origin: Latin, Polish