List of Latin, Polish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (F) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 3 unique names in our collection from Latin, polish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Latin, polish below:

  • Feliks - FE-leeks
    Polish Meaning: The name Feliks is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Feliks is: lucky'.
    Meaning: Happy Origin: Latin, Polish, Russian
  • Franciszek - frahn-CHEE-shek
    Franciszek (Polish: [franˈt͡ɕiʂɛk]) is a masculine given name of Polish origin (female form Franciszka). It is a cognate of Francis, Francisco, François, and Franz.
    Meaning: French man Origin: Latin, Polish
  • Franciszka - frahn-CHEESH-kah
    Franciszek (Polish: [franˈt͡ɕiʂɛk]) is a masculine given name of Polish origin (female form Franciszka). It is a cognate of Francis, Francisco, François, and Franz. People with the name include: ... Franciszek Blachnicki (1921–1987), Polish man who started The Light-Life Movement (Światło-Zycie) as a Catholic association.
    Meaning: Woman from France Origin: Latin, Polish