List of Latin, Polish Baby Names Meanings Starting with (K) ×

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 4 unique names in our collection from Latin, polish origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Latin, polish below:

  • Klaudiusz - KLOWT-yuwsh
    Meaning: Feeble man Origin: Latin, Polish
  • Konstantyn - kawn-STAHN-tin
    The first name Konstantin is a derivation from the Latin name Constantinus (Constantine) in some European languages, such as Russian and German. As a Christian given name, it refers to the memory of the Roman emperor Constantine the Great. ... People bearing the name Konstantin include: Given name.
  • Krysia - KRI-shah
    Meaning and origin. Krysia is a Polish girl name. The meaning of the name is Anointed, Follower of Christ.
    Meaning: Christian woman Origin: Latin, Polish
  • Krystyn - KRIS-tin
    Polish Meaning: The name Krystyn is a Polish baby name. In Polish the meaning of the name Krystyn is: Christian.
    Meaning: Christian man Origin: Latin, Polish