List of Italian, Latin Baby Names Meanings

You have 81 origins to scan 1 million baby names. Find 45 unique names in our collection from Italian, latin origin.
Get modern, unique names list for Italian, latin below:

  • Fulvia - FOOL-vya
    Italian Meaning: The name Fulvia is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Fulvia is: Blond.
    Meaning: Blonde-haired Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Gaetano - gah-eh-TAH-no
    Gaetano (anglicized Cajetan) is an Italian masculine given name. It is derived from the Latin Caietanus, meaning "from Caieta" (the modern Gaeta).
    Meaning: From Gaeta Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Giulia - JOOL-yah
    Baby names meanings search results: The name Giulia is a baby girl name. The name Giulia comes from the Italian origin. In Italian The meaning of the name Giulia is: Italian form of Julia: youthful.
    Meaning: Soft-haired Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Giuliano - joo-LYAH-no
    Italian Meaning: The name Giuliano is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Giuliano is: Youthful.
    Meaning: Wearing a soft beard Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Giustina - joos-TEE-nah
    Giustina [giusti-na] as a girls' name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of the name Giustina is "just, fair; fair, upright". Giustina is a version of Giustinia (Italian, Latin): feminine of Justin. Giustina is also a variation of Justine (Latin).
    Meaning: Fair, rightful Origin: Italian, Latin
  • Gloria - GLAWR-ee-ə
    Latin Meaning: The name Gloria is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Gloria is: Glory. Famous bearer: a character in playright George Bernard Shaw's 'You Never Can Tell', and American actress Gloria Swanson.
    Meaning: Woman of glory Origin: English, Italian, Latin, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Lorenza - loh-REHN-zah
    The name Lorenza is an English baby name. In English the meaning of the name Lorenza is: The laurel tree or sweet bay tree symbolic of honor and victory. Old name with many variants.
    Meaning: Laurel tree Origin: Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Lorenzo - lo-REN-tso
    Lorenzo is an Italian and Spanish masculine given name of Latin origin. It is used in Italy, Spain, and other Spanish-speaking countries. The name was derived from the Roman surname Laurentius, which meant "from Laurentum".
  • Lucio - LOO-syo
    Latin Meaning: The name Lucio is a Latin baby name. In Latin the meaning of the name Lucio is: Light.
  • Marco - MAHR-ko
    Italian Meaning: The name Marco is an Italian baby name. In Italian the meaning of the name Marco is: Mars (Roman god of war). Famous Bearer: Marco Polo (1254-1324), explorer from Venice. Warring.
    Meaning: Rendered to Mars, warlike Origin: Italian, Latin, Portuguese, Spanish
  • Marino - mah-REE-no
    Marino Name Meaning. Italian: from the personal name Marino, from Latin Marinus (see Marin 1). Italian: habitational name from any of various places named Marino. Spanish and Galician (Mariño): occupational name for a sailor, marino (from Latin marinus 'of the sea').
  • Maurizio - mow-REE-tsyo
    Maurizio is an Italian masculine given name, derived from the Roman name Mauritius. Mauritius is a derivative of Maurus, meaning dark-skinned, Moorish.
  • Mauro - MOW-ro
    Italian (mainly southern): from the personal name Mauro, derived from the Latin personal and ethnic name Maurus, meaning 'Moor', 'North African'; or from the same word, mauro, applied as a nickname or ethnic name. Compare Moore 2 and 3.
  • Nazario - nah-SAH-ryo
    Italian and Spanish form of the Late Latin name Nazarius, which meant "from Nazareth". Nazareth was the town in Galilee where Jesus lived.
    Meaning: From Nazareth Origin: Italian, Latin, Spanish
  • Nero - NE-ro
    An ancient Sabine name that meant "strong and energetic", and an Italian word meaning "black". Nero is also the Finnish word for "genius." Pronounced: NIR-oh, NEER-oh. Famous real-life people named Nero: | Edit. Nero, emperor of ancient Rome, known for his cruelty and depravity.
    Meaning: The strong one Origin: Italian, Latin